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Overview BY THE NUMBERS Founded in 2006, Frank Recruitment Group is a global leader in staffing for 2006 IT professionals, operating from over 20 locations worldwide. The company Founded 2,000 employs 2,000 people across the globe, including a team of specialist Number of employees 20 recruiters, who are tasked with finding the very best permanent and contract Locations worldwide technology talent for SME and enterprise organisations across the world. Challenge Fast growth presented some big challenges for Frank Recruitment Group’s IT team, particularly with its Our voice communication approach communications infrastructure. Telephony is essential “ to the business, driving around 60% of interactions was extremely reactive, with the IT team between recruitment consultants, candidates, and clients. frantically repairing and upgrading the However, the traditional set-up of multiple, on-premises incumbent platform in an attempt to PBX systems with numerous ISDN lines was complex, costly, and problematic for the IT team to manage and support business demand. Our telephony support. set-up simply couldn’t support our existing Connectivity was poor and outages could leave the or future requirements. To expand rapidly company without the phone for hours. In addition, and sustain our growth, we had to find concurrent calls were often not possible at the volume required, as ISDN channels couldn’t be procured a communications partner that would quickly enough from carriers to keep up with demand. drive our cloud-first strategy and deliver Operational costs were high due to charges for every call the modern experience our business and being made—even internally between offices—and setting up new users was time-consuming and difficult. workforce demanded. For the workforce, the experience was average at best. ” Employing predominantly millennials, the company recognized the need to bring modern technology to the workplace, offering workers the intuitive experiences they Anthony Cummings are used to from the apps, software, and systems they used personally every day. Director of Infrastructure and Operations IT, Frank Recruitment Group

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