State of Disruption: UCaaS The “2020 State of Disruption Report” by AVANT Research & Analytics leverages data from a survey of 500 enterprise decision makers. The study measures perceptions and attitudes about how new- er technologies are displacing older ones and, hence, disrupting their respective markets. For more information on our latest State of Disruption Report, visit our website at This data demonstrates the degree to which companies of different vertical markets or size are for- ward-looking or lagging behind technology adoption. From the perspective of the enterprise decision maker, this information serves an an important comparison between their companies and those of the competition. The charts below demonstrate UCaaS growth and UCaaS penetration, plus various characteristics companies share as they migrate from PBXs and other telephony systems to today’s unified service-oriented cloud-based solutions. UCaaS Growth from 2019 to 2021 Healthcare/Medical 40% Consulting/Business Services 38% Retail/E-Commerce 31% Manufacturing 30% Financial Services 29% Other 25% Legal 23% Construction/Engineering 21% High Tech 18% Source: AVANT Assesment Data Healthcare/Medical posts the highest growth rates, with the Consulting/Business Services growth rate following closely behind. The remainder of the verticals trail the two leaders in a relatively close-knit cluster. Copyright © 2020 AVANT Communications, Inc. 9

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