In terms of UCaaS penetration, Healthcare/Medical and Legal tie for first place in the 2021 projection after AVANT Research measured both verticals at relatively average levels in 2019. UCaaS Penetration in 2019 vs 2021 2019 2021 Legal 63-78% Construction/Engineering 59-72% High Tech 59-69% Other 59-73% Healthcare/Medical 55-78% Retail/E-Commerce 54-71% Manufacturing 54-71% Financial Services 54-70% Consulting/Business Services 53-74% Source: AVANT Assesment Data The data by revenue demonstrates relatively consistent uptake across revenue bands. For example, companies of $1 million to $10 million moved an average of 49.5% of their phones to UCaaS in 2019 and they anticipate an average of 68.8% will transition to UCaaS by the end of 2021. UCaaS Penetration by Revenue in 2019 vs 2021 2019 2021 $1 million - $10 million 50-69% $11 million- $50 million 50-65% $51 million - $100 million 56-72% $101 million - $500 million 56-73% $501 million - $1 billion 58-75% More than $1 billion 60-73% Source: AVANT Assesment Data In terms of headcount, the strongest forthcoming uptake appears to be within the 10,000 to 50,000 seat range, although organizations of all sizes plan to invest in UCaaS, especially next year. In terms of UCaaS penetration, Healthcare/Medical and Legal tie for first place in the 2021 projection after AVANT Research measured both verticals at relatively average levels in 2019. 10 Copyright © 2020 AVANT Communications, Inc.

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