AVANT enables Trusted Advisors (agents, MSPs, consultants and similar channel partners) to support their business customers with IT technology decisions, with a specialization in disruptive technologies and solutions. We accomplish this with our: • AVANT Technical Specialists that study the ins and outs of the latest IT technologies • AVANT Assessment Data collected during thousands of customer assessments and resulting customer decisions. • AVANT Primary Research of both customers and trusted advisors, to inform our decision making process. • AVANT Pathfinder an IT Decision Making tool and repository of AVANT’s market intelligence, allowing for comparative searches and intelligent search to help. (GoAVANT.net/Pathfinder) • AVANT Analysts to conduct research and analyze data for in-depth analysis. AVANT’s Platform for IT Decision Making has assisted Trusted Advisors and their customers with thou- sands of IT decisions annually for customers of all sizes, from SMB to Fortune 500, providing us a large experience base and data set to reflect upon. Our role in supporting real world IT decision making with Trusted Advisors and their customers with leading technologies and solutions places us in a unique position to see near real-time market trends. Our data is collected through sales efforts in conjunction with the Trusted Advisor community, through assessment data collected at the outset of the sales discussion, and through various market research tools, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and external reports. 2 Copyright © 2020 AVANT Communications, Inc.

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