The Planet team didn’t have the time or resources, to effectively research the market and the cloud telephony providers. The upcoming contract renewal with their current vendor was looming. But they didn’t want to move too fast and risk making the wrong decision which could lead to downtime and frustration. There was also an opportunity to gain efficiencies by leveraging technology by integrating phone, video, messaging, and chat via one Provider. Why The Planet Group Chose Cloud Trusted Advisor The Planet Team was introduced to me by the president of one of Planet’s divisions. The recommendation was based on my industry experience and also the fact that the president was a client of mine 15 years ago! Planet also considered working with the providers directly but felt they were too biased and only had their interest in mind, and not the Planet Group. Cloud Trusted Advisor was ultimately chosen because of our unbiased approach to vendor selection, years of experience, and our advanced platform for IT Decision-Making.