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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS LEGACY SYSTEM DEPRECATION • The composite organization eliminates $3,000 in Evidence and data. Interviewees told Forrester how annual legacy long-distance call charges. adopting Dialpad Ai Contact Center allowed them to Risks. Benefits realized may vary based on the discontinue their legacy contact center solutions. following factors: • Interviewees described being able to deprecate a • The number and nature of systems retired. variety of legacy systems and software. Eliminated costs included both subscription costs • Maintenance effort required for legacy systems. and maintenance costs for licenses purchased in • Real estate footprint prior to Dialpad and remote perpetuity. Annual maintenance costs for these work strategy. types of licenses could be between 20% and • Call volume and geography. 30% of the initial licensing cost annually. • Interviewees noted a decrease in maintenance Results. To account for these risks, Forrester cost and efforts with Ai Contact Center, which adjusted this benefit downward by 15%, yielding a they attributed both to consolidating onto a single three-year, risk-adjusted total PV of $1.4 million. platform and to Dialpad’s easy-to-use features. • Dialpad Ai Contact Center’s cloud-based system eliminated long-distance charges and enabled a shift to remote contact centers, which meant “We were able to repurpose [two customers could save on real estate costs such FTEs] for other needs because as rent and utilities. Dialpad support is so Modeling and assumptions. For the financial straightforward. [We can] analysis, Forrester assumes: actually utilize our help desk • The composite retires multiple legacy systems, folks to help manage and eliminating $500,000 of annual solution costs. support Dialpad needs and even escalations.” • Maintenance effort for the legacy system is CIO, healthcare handled by one FTE at a fully burdened annual rate of $110,000. • After implementing Ai Contact Center, the composite organization relies more on remote work, resulting in a $50,000 decline in annual real estate costs. THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 16

The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI - Page 18 The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI Page 17 Page 19