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Sprinklr Customer Experience Pitch Deck

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Sprinklr Customer Experience Platform

An in-depth review of Sprinklr's customer experience platform.

Why do smart companieswithgreat products… struggle to create great customer experiences…. across channels, functions, geographies, and business units?

How have you adapted to these three changes in the last 20 years? 1 2 3 EVER-CHANGING, MODERN UNPRECEDENTED, CHANGED EXPECTATIONS OF DIGITAL CHANNELS UNSTRUCTURED, PUBLIC DATA CONNECTED CUSTOMERS Social Messaging Trusts each other Growing exponentially Forums Expects personalized attention Blogs Not ownedby you Reviews Values experience Newsletters Completely unstructured Comments Demands instant resolution 2 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Current “Brand-centric” reality Fragmented view of customer. Business at risk. 1 Fragmented view of the Ineffective governance customer by channel & compliance. 2 Inability to understand the customer in real-time Customer-Facing Functions. 3 Siloed in each business unit and market Business Unit Brand 3 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

At scale Business Business Unit Unit Business Business Unit Unit Brand Business Business Unit Unit Business Business Unit Unit 4 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Bu The inevitable t ni s U i n s e s s ne s i s U Bu ni “Customer-centric” future t Unified customer-facing operating system t Bu ni U s i s Brand ne s s ne s i s U Bu ni 1 Unified channels t 2 Deep and real-time understanding of the customer Unified across customer-facing Bus t i ni ne U 3 functions, markets, and s s s s business units U Unified-CXM ne n i i s t Bu Bus t i i ne n U s s s s U ne n i i s t Bu 5 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

4 MEASUREand continuously improve BE WHERE YOUR LEARN AND UNDERSTAND UNIFY AND ACTION CUSTOMERS ARE CUSTOMER INTENT CUSTOMER INSIGHTS in all channels from unstructured data to make customers happier 1 2 3 Social INSIGHTS CUSTOMER-FIRST UNIFIED-CXM Customers Actionable Insight Messaging Products Omni-channel Service AI Brands Competitors Personalized Marketing Voice 1st Party Locations Employees Social Engagement & Apps,Blogs, Websites, Etc. Sales GOVERNANCE | AUTOMATION | WORKFLOW | INTEGRATION 6 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

A move to best of suite… ERP CDP OPERATIONAL UNIVERSE BEHAVIORAL UNIVERSE Finance Online actions Supply Chain App actions HR Customer segments Structured internal data Semi-structured implicit data CRM customer CXM TRANSACTIONAL UNIVERSE EXPERIENCE UNIVERSE Purchase History Public actions Returns Omni-channel experiences Events Known customers and unknown consumers Structured solicited data Unstructured, unsolicited data 7 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

…has happened, but what about CXM? ERP CDP CRM customer CXM ? 8 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

ERP CDP Point solution chaos CRM 9 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Point solutions are unsustainable in the enterprise Point Solution Chaos Unified-CXM Redundant and siloed Unified and integrate-able 91 Point solutions Replace point solution chaos on an average are being used by organizations in with a unified platform Marketing alone Expensive and less effective Less expensive and more effective $10B spent annually Reduce waste for overlapping SaaS functionality in licensing cost alone for global deployments Risky and non-compliant Secure and compliant 94% of cloud apps are not “Enterprise-Ready” GDPR, CCPA, and more Lack of IT involvement creates security, governance, Enterprise grade security and privacy compliance included and privacy vulnerabilities of organizations. 10 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Sprinklr provides a unified, AI-powered platform for enterprises to listen to, reach, and engage with their customers on over 30 channels. We offer a product suite for each major customer-facing function: Insights Customer Service Marketing Social We call it Unified-CXM. 11 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Sprinklr is a no-compromise decision The Forrester Wave™: Content Marketing Gartner, Inc: Platforms, For B2C The Forrester Wave™: Magic Quadrant for Marketers Sales Social Content Marketing Engagement Platforms ONLYLEADER LEADER LEADER Q3-2017 Q4-2020 Q3-2021 Q2-2019 Q1-2021 Q1-2022 ONLYLEADER LEADER LEADER The Forrester Wave™: The Forrester Wave™: The Forrester Wave™: Social Advertising Social Listening Social Suites Technology Platforms 12 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Sprinklr: RETENTION AWARENESS Engage to delight Listen to understand Authentic conversations, Customer feedback, sentiment, AI-driven bots for engagement at market trends, competitor scale, conversational commerce, 1 BE PRESENT: strategies, campaign unified care across voice, email 30+ digital channels performance, industry insights and modern channels and more 4 MEASURE: Sprinklr real-time analytics CONVERSION 2 LEARN: ATTRACTION Reach to convert Sprinklr Intuition™ AI Create to appeal Reach consumers across 30+ Utilise insights, real time channels with organic, owned, analytics, and artificial paid, earned, advocacy & UG 3 ACT: intelligence to build world class content to get your Sprinklr Unified-CXM content, maximise creative & message heard Platform media budget performance 13 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Sprinklr: the platform purpose-built to unify CXM Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social 4 Measure and continuously improve: Unified Experiences Unify and action customer insights: Unified Functions 3 Governance · Listening · Automation · Workflow · Analytics · Security · Privacy · Compliance APIs Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Integrates Seamlessly With Existing CX Stacks CRM Systems Unified-CXM eCommerce Systems Learn and understand customer intent: Sprinklr Intuition™ AI Data Model Survey CFMs 2 Ingests 30+ Channels Website /Email Systems Real-Time, No-Code Can Onboard Reconfiguration a New Channel in < 2 Weeks 1 Be where your customers are: Unified Omni-Channel Data 14 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Sprinklr: 4 product suites and 33 products to unify CXM Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social Social Listening Voice Competitive Insights & Live Chat Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & Benchmarking Conversational AI & Bots Content Marketing Engagement Product Insights Contact Center Intelligence Marketing Analytics Distributed Location Insights Contact Center Automation Influencer Marketing Conversational Commerce Visual Insights Agent Assist Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Media Monitoring & Knowledge Base Advocacy Analytics Self-service Community Gallery Research Lite Service Lite Unified Functions Governance · Listening · Automation · Workflow · Analytics · Security · Privacy · Compliance APIs Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Integrates Seamlessly With Existing CX Stacks CRM Systems Unified-CXM eCommerce Systems Sprinklr Intuition™ AI Data Model Survey CFMs Ingests 30+ Channels Website /Email Systems Real-Time, No-Code Can Onboard Reconfiguration a New Channel in < 2 Weeks Unified Experience Data 15 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

TECHNOLOGY FINSERV MANUFACTURING & 9 of the Top 10 13 of Top 14 PHARMA “83 out of the top 100 world’s most valuable brands are Sprinklr customers.” CPG AUTOMOTIVE APPAREL & RETAIL MEDIA & TRAVEL & OTHER 7 of Top 8 8 of the Top 10 8 of the Top 10 ENTERTAINMENT HOSPITALITY

Moderation, engagement and personalization at scale Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social 4 Social Listening Voice Handling Competitive Insights & Live Chat Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & 115M+ mentions Benchmarking Conversational AI & Bots Content Marketing Engagement per year Product Insights Contact Center Intelligence Marketing Analytics Distributed Location Insights Contact Center Automation Influencer Marketing Conversational Commerce Visual Insights Agent Assist Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Media Monitoring & Knowledge Base Advocacy Analytics Self-service Community Gallery Research Lite Service Lite 4 3 24/33 Products ~95% accuracy on when to engage Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Integrations: APIs Sprinklr Intuition™ AI 2 100+ AI Models CRM 4 Survey CFM Web 30%+ Email faster response Unified-CXM Data 1 18+ Channels rate 17 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Selling, serving and retaining customers at scale Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social 4 Social Listening Voice 12+point solutions Competitive Insights & Live Chat Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & consolidated Benchmarking Conversational AI & Bots Content Marketing Engagement 39instances Product Insights Contact Center Intelligence Marketing Analytics Distributed Location Insights Contact Center Automation Influencer Marketing Conversational Commerce Visual Insights Agent Assist Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Media Monitoring & Knowledge Base Advocacy Analytics Self-service Community Gallery Research Lite Service Lite 4 3 16/33 Products ~80%+ faster response rate Sandbox· Integrations· APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Integrations: APIs Sprinklr Intuition™ AI 2 12+ AI Models CRM 4 Survey CFM Web 17% Email Increased customer Unified-CXM Data 1 10 Channels satisfaction 18 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Marketing agility, efficiency and effectiveness on a global level Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Care Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social 4 ~44% Social Listening Voice increase in positive Competitive Insights & Live Chat Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & Benchmarking Conversational AI & Bots Content Marketing Engagement sentiment from online Product Insights Contact Center Intelligence Marketing Analytics Distributed stakeholders Location Insights Contact Center Automation Influencer Marketing Conversational Commerce Visual Insights Agent Assist Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Media Monitoring & Knowledge Base Advocacy Analytics Self-service Community Gallery Research Lite Service Lite 4 Goal: 10x 3 13/33 Products improvement in time to market Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio ~50%technology cost reduction Integrations: APIs Sprinklr Intuition™ AI 2 40+ AI Models CRM 4 Survey CFM Web ~16% Email re-investable Unified-CXM Data 1 8+ Channels media costs 19 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Next-gen customer care at global technology company Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Care Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social 4 Social Listening Voice Modern Care in Sprinklr Competitive Insights & Live Chat Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & costs 30%lessthan Benchmarking Conversational AI & Bots Content Marketing Engagement other traditional Product Insights Contact Center Intelligence Marketing Analytics Distributed channels Location Insights Contact Center Automation Influencer Marketing Conversational Commerce Visual Insights Agent Assist Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Media Monitoring & Knowledge Base Advocacy Analytics Self-service Community Gallery Research Lite Service Lite 4 3 26/33 Products Response time has improved by 50% Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Integrations: APIs Sprinklr Intuition™ AI 2 100+ AI Models CRM 4 Survey CFM Web 60% Email less customer Unified-CXM Data 1 17+ Channels dissatisfaction 20 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Enabling a global editorial team to interact with culture in real-time Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Care Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social 4 Social Listening Voice Centralized visibility, Competitive Insights & Live Chat Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & standardization and Benchmarking Conversational AI & Bots Content Marketing Engagement governance Product Insights Contact Center Intelligence Marketing Analytics Distributed Location Insights Contact Center Automation Influencer Marketing Conversational Commerce Visual Insights Agent Assist Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Media Monitoring & Knowledge Base Advocacy Analytics Self-service Community Gallery Research Lite Service Lite 4 3 8/33 Products In-time, real-time alerts and actions against Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio cultural events *Integrations: APIs Sprinklr Intuition™ AI 2 40+ AI Models CRM 4 Survey CFM Trends understood Web Email within the context of past campaigns inform Unified-CXM Data 1 8 Channels current marketing 21 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution. *Planned Integrations in Roadmap

A Potential Evaluation Process WE ARE HERE NOW VALUE REALIZATION UNDERSTANDING DEEP DIVE EXECUTIVE BUSINESS CASE EXECUTIVE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT Understanding of Recap and validation Executive Sponsor Business case Executive Sponsor needs & goals interviews Art of the possible Review & feedback Ultimate summation Align with overall Review of business strategy Technical Deep dive Agree on technical impact Including ROI & value validation realisation plan Sprinklr introduction Scoping Validation across Business case stakeholders GO or NO-GO to Value identification requirements proposal Business case GO or NO-GO to do completion business case 22 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Continuing the conversation: What other aspects would you like to know? What next steps are you taking? 23 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Thank you


Who we are “When McDonald’s, 83% 80% Microsoft and Nike want to reach customers on social media, they look to Sprinklr for help.” G2 2021 Best Software Award for Enterprise of the 100 Most of the Most Innovative and Customer Valuable Brands 2020 Companies 2021 trust Service Products are Sprinklr customers Sprinklr 2,500+ PEOPLE IN 24 LOCATIONS EMEA HQ: IN 15 COUNTRIES HQ London NYC | Austin | Boston | Portland Customer Value Winnerfor in San Francisco | Washington DC | Montréal Leadership Award Innovation in Toronto | London | Paris | Hamburg | Munich | Amsterdam for Social Customer Support Services APAC HQ: Lausanne | Zürich | Madrid | Tokyo | São Paulo Experience Automation NYC Singapore Dubai | Delhi | Bangalore | Singapore | Shanghai Management Sydney | Melbourne | Seoul 26 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved.

Our Partners CHANNEL PARTNERS AGENCY PARTNERS CHANNEL PARTNERS TECH PARTNERS/INTEGRATIONS —social (23) — —agencies — —system integrators — —care partners — —integrations — —messaging, live chat, reviews (12) — —advertising channels — —hosting/cloud partners — 27 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved.

Strong Security Built for the Enterprise Customer Confidential Data and Business Processes Compliance Sprinklr Sprinklr Sprinklr Sprinklr Insights Service Marketing Social Sprinklr Platform Including built-in key Security and Privacy features People Processes Technology ● Dedicated Security Team ● Security standards baked ● Proactive and reactive ● Continuous Employee into development, security tooling to protect Education and Training operations, incident customer data response and management ● Regular audits and tests 28 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved.

A Commitment to Data Privacy Sprinklr is a SaaS based company acting as data processor and service provider to our customers. Sprinklr + Data Privacy Laws Continuous monitoring and improvement Cross Border Transfers Accepted standard legal instruments and safeguards In-Product Features Customers in control through Privacy Center Learn more about Sprinklr’s data privacy practices or review our Data Protection Agreement. 29 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved.


How Sprinklr solves point solution chaos Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social Existing Platforms Governance · Listening · Automation · Workflow · Analytics · Security · Privacy · Compliance Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Social Listening Unified Service Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & Content Marketing Engagement Competitive Insights & Self Serve Community Benchmarking Live Chat Marketing Analytics Product Insights Distributed Conversational AI / Bot Location Insights Contact Center Influencer Marketing Intelligence Conversational Visual Insights Contact Center Commerce Automation Advocacy Media Monitoring & Analytics Knowledge Base Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Research Lite Agent Assist 31 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

How Sprinklr solves point solution chaos Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social Existing Platforms Governance · Listening · Automation · Workflow · Analytics · Security · Privacy · Compliance Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Social Listening Unified Service Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & Content Marketing Engagement Competitive Insights & Self Serve Community Benchmarking Unify Social Live Chat Marketing Analytics Product Insights Distributed Conversational AI / Bot Location Insights Contact Center Influencer Marketing Intelligence Conversational Visual Insights Contact Center Commerce Automation Advocacy Media Monitoring & Analytics Knowledge Base Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Research Lite Agent Assist 32 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

How Sprinklr solves point solution chaos Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social Existing Platforms Governance · Listening · Automation · Workflow · Analytics · Security · Privacy · Compliance Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Social Listening Unified Service Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & Content Marketing Engagement Competitive Insights & Self Serve Community Benchmarking Live Chat Marketing Analytics Product Insights Distributed Conversational AI / Bot Unify Location Insights Contact Center Influencer Marketing Intelligence to grow your Business Conversational Visual Insights Contact Center Commerce Automation Advocacy Media Monitoring & Analytics Knowledge Base Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Research Lite Agent Assist 33 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

How Sprinklr solves point solution chaos Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social Existing Platforms Governance · Listening · Automation · Workflow · Analytics · Security · Privacy · Compliance Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Social Listening Unified Care Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & Content Marketing Engagement Competitive Insights & Self Serve Community Benchmarking Live Chat Marketing Analytics Product Insights Distributed Unify Conversational AI / Bot Unify Location Insights Contact Center Influencer Marketing to serve your Customers to grow your Business Intelligence Conversational Visual Insights Contact Center Commerce Automation Advocacy Media Monitoring & Analytics Knowledge Base Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Modern Research Lite Agent Assist 34 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

How Sprinklr solves point solution chaos Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social Existing Platforms Governance · Listening · Automation · Workflow · Analytics · Security · Privacy · Compliance Sandbox · Integrations · APIs · Active Data Retention · Presentations · Display · AI Studio Social Listening Unified Care Campaign Planning & Social Publishing & Content Marketing Engagement Competitive Insights & Self Serve Community Benchmarking Live Chat Marketing Analytics Product Insights Distributed Conversational AI / Bot Location Insights Influencer Marketing Unify Customer Experiences: Unified-CXM Contact Center Intelligence Conversational Visual Insights Contact Center Commerce Automation Advocacy Media Monitoring & Analytics Knowledge Base Social Advertising Ratings & Reviews Modern Research Lite Agent Assist 35 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Sprinklr Unified-CXM: unlocking the possibilities Sprinklr Service Sprinklr Marketing Sprinklr Social ●Identify proactive service opps ●AI powered moderation across ●Understand impact of service on ●Context for content Listening sources Sprinklr Insights products, locations, and brands ●AI-driven content intelligence ●Social driven by real-time ●Applied AI & research across all ●Real-time ads optimization competitive & brand insights channels: voice, chat, email, etc ●Service informs content strategy ●Seamless collaboration and ●Target & exclude customers hand-off between groups Sprinklr Service based on their customer journey ●Using customer care ●Moderate and engage with interactions to inform social service issues that arise on ad engagement posts ●Campaign strategy informs social Sprinklr Marketing ●UGC as a seamless source for Marketing content ●Embed social on your Web site and owned properties 36 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Current architectures Sales CRM Website, Email, Content CRM Surveys & Focus Groups Phone & Email CDP Support CXM CX M Data Architecture Functional & Channel Architecture 37 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Future state: modern front office architecture Conversational Commerce Sales CRM Website, Email, Content Real-time Social CRM CXM insights Marketing Surveys & Focus Groups Phone & Email CDP Support Care on Social & CXM CX Messaging M Data Architecture Functional & Channel Architecture 38 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Sprinklr Insights Sprinklr Service UNIFIED Sprinklr Marketing CUSTOMER Sprinklr Social EXPERIENCE across 24+ social channels, 8 messaging MANAGEMENT channels, live chat, email, text and voice* LEADER on a single AI-powered platform purpose-built for the enterprise *limited availability

Sprinklr AI for CXM scale 10B+ 100M+ 50M 60+ Predictions per day Training data points Businesses & consumers Industry verticals and handled by AI per day sub-verticals 750+ 500+ 50+ Best-in-class Pre-built AI Models Customer-specific Global languages accuracy models 4 Customer-facing Functions (Insights / Service / Marketing / Social) 1,000+ industry specific use-cases supported 40 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Value realization IDENTIFY & QUANTIFY BUILD & IMPLEMENT Assess Business Value across Configure Products & Empower Users 54 Primary Business Use Cases Value Flywheel SEVICE INSIGHTS MARKETING SOCIAL MEASURE & GROW Value Realization Dashboards, Executive Business Reviews, Check-ins, Additional product, geos/brands within clients

INSIGHTS SERVICE MARKETING SOCIAL modern Lack of broad- Customers Paid, owned and Simply not present channels 1 based frustrated on earned completely where current and listening traditional channels discoordinated future customers are unstructured Can’t make sense Can’t create a 360 Lack of context for Don’t know what data 2 of exploding data degree actionable content - marketing and where to sources profile by gut only engage changed Insights are “after- Too slow, too Advertising is tone- Engagement and expectations 3 the-fact” not “in- impersonal, too deaf to customer commerce are the-moment” disconnected support disjointed & untimely missed revenue, higher costs, increased risk 42 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

OK-so how do brands start? 43 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Starting point: Social + Outbound (Apparel Company) SAVINGS >$1M SPEED +40% ENGINEERING DEPLOYMENT MARKETING SECURITY MARKETING H SECURITY MARKETING CONSUMER CONSUMER G CONSUMER SERVICES CONSUMER SERVICES HI ORG & DATA IDENTITY DATA ENTERPRISE SKILLSET SERVICES EVOLUTION MARKETING CONSUMER Advance Listening | Data Analysts | App Developers | Platform Architects | SERVICES Configuration Specialists | Business Dedicated Tech Team | Audience Basic Listening | Content Developers Architects | Security & Privacy Analysts Segmentation Data Analysts Y | Frontline & SMEs | Tool T Moderation | Campaign Administrators | Social Care Agents I Manager | R Agency Partners App Publishing & U Product Insights | Visual Engagement | App T Listening I Display Benefits & Offers | | Customer Service | Insights | Sprinklr Marketing | Presentations MA Benchmarking Paid Media Reporting Publishing & FEATURE Engagement ADOPTION Brand integrations: PLATFORM Interests, Offers, Feed, INTEGRATION Comments W 100 users 500 users 800 users 1,200 users LO USER BASE 2012 2013-2014 2015-2016 2017-2018 LIMITED TRANSFORMATION FOUNDATIONAL TRANSFORMATION DISRUPTIVE TRANSFORMATION VALUE TOOLS CONSOLIDATION 7 Social Tools to 2 5 Listening Tools to 1 14 Marketing/App Tools down to 2 PROFILE GROWTH (PROFILES IN SPRINKLR) 100M 300M 500M 44 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.

Starting point: Social + Inbound (Tech Company) CONSUMPTION 105% ADOPTION 96% ENGINEERING DEPLOYMENT MARKETING SALES MARKETING H SALES MARKETING CONSUMER CONSUMER G ORG & IT & TECH SERVICES IT & TECH SERVICES HI ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE SKILLSET SERVICES SERVICES EVOLUTION MARKETING CONSUMER Advance Listening | Data Scientists | RPA & BOT Developers | AI Architect | SERVICES Data Analysts | AI Product Manager | Dedicated IT Team Basic Listening | Content Developers Configuration Specialists | Business Y | Frontline & SMEs | Tool Architects T Moderation | Campaign Administrators | SEO Experts | I Manager | Program Managers R Agency Partners Visual Listening | U Listening I Location Insights | Product Insights | T Benchmarking | Influencer | Distributed | Live Chat I MA Display | Customer Care | Ratings & Reviews | Chat Conversational AI Surveys | Publishing & Bots | Presentations Content Marketing | Engagement | Display FEATURE Advocacy ADOPTION BIL Contact Us eSupport PLATFORM SAIE INTEGRATION W 10 users 150 users 600 users Up to 30K users LO USER BASE 2010 2015 2018 2020 NO TRANSFORMATION FOUNDATIONAL TRANSFORMATION DISRUPTIVE TRANSFORMATION VALUE CX % - 52% 81% 90% CPSR $ - $30 $15 $10 45 © 2022 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Not for third-party distribution.